
Letters for Dianne

Our sister Dianne has begun chemo treatments for a recurrence of breast cancer. If you’d like to write her a note of encouragement to read during her infusions, please leave them in the basket labeled with her name on the welcome desk. It would mean so much to her!

Annual Meeting

Our annual business meeting is Sunday, December 8, immediately following the morning service. We will be voting on the 2025 budget, elders, and deacons. These can be found at the welcome desk. Please contact the elders with any questions. 

Pat Spackey Obituary & Service Info

Pat Spackey went to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, November 9th, 2024. This joyful, beautiful lady will be remembered for her passion and love for Christ and for all of her family and friends whose lives she touched. Always with a camera in hand, she blessed her friends and community with volunteer photography, always with a big smile on her face, rejoicing at her time together with them. Pat met her husband Ted, when she was a…


D-Now is coming up! Sign your student up before it’s too late.