
Hurricane Help

If you’d like to help the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, contact Texas Baptist Men. This is our Southern Baptist of Texas Disaster Relief Team. CLICK HERE >>>>>>>

Chili Cook-Off!

It’s time once again for a TCAAB favorite: The Kickoff Cook-Off! On Sunday, August 25, immediately following the morning service, you’ll find out about what’s happening this fall, sign-up for various ministries, and enjoy the chili cook-off!

Building: Next Steps!

At our special business Sunday we voted on the proposed building expansion. The motion passed with a 90% “yes” vote!  We have now moved on to the one-month pledge period.To move forward with building the education wing, we must have at least $450,000 (of the $900,000 total) in pledges. Please pray for how the Lord would have you give.  For more information or to make a pledge, click here. 

Doctrine & Dessert Postponed

Due to flooding and with more rain coming, we have decided to postpone Doctrine & Dessert. It is rescheduled for Sunday,  Aug. 4, at 7 pm at Amy Fleming’s. So sorry for the inconvenience!

RE-charge, Cool Down, and LUNCH!

As we continue to recover from Beryl, know that the church has power and is open for those who need it. It’s generally open by 8am and will be available most of the day. We are having a church-wide meal together, immediately following the morning service this Sunday, July 14. We’re still working on the details, but it will be free and hot and (Lord willing) won’t be pizza! It will really help us prepare if you can sign up in advance here. 

Special Business Meeting

The elders have called a special business meeting on Sunday, July 28, immediately following the morning service. The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the motion put forth by the elders regarding a possible building expansion. The motion is available at the welcome center. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the elders (or treasurer David Fleming).

Men’s Study – New Book

The Friday morning Men’s study is starting a new book (Strangely Bright) this Friday (June 21). You can purchase the book here.Contact Paul Greiner for more details.

New Ladies’ Study!

New graduates and college-aged ladies are invited to a Bible study on Wednesdays, at 6pm. The study will be at Marti Rudawski’s place. For more details contact Marti or Pastor Nick.