Wednesday night is our time of study and discipleship for all age groups. Come to The Church at Alden Bridge at 7:00pm, and bring the whole family!
Here’s a quick look at what’s going on tonight:
TCAAB Kids (up to 3rd grade) will be learning about Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King as they continue their catechism questions.
Both the 4-5-6-ers (grades 4-6) and The Student Ministry will be contuing the Treasuring Christ curriculum, as they study Romans 8:18-39.
4-5-6ers will be looking at how a just God chose to offer grace, and how nothing can separate us from His love that we gain through Christ.
The Student Ministry will be discussing the hope we have because God redeems and cares for His children.
The adults, as they continue their study of missions, will be taking a biblical look at missions for the sake of God’s glory.