“…the beloved of the Lord are to hand down their witness for the gospel, and the covenant to their heirs, and these again to their next descendants. This is our first duty, we are to begin at the family hearth…”
Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening
It is our great duty and passion to “hand down” to the next generation the beautiful truth of the Gospel. As the Church, we seek to walk alongside parents as they daily teach and disciple their children. In our Children’s Ministry, we reinforce the truth of God’s Word and love every child with Christ’s love.
Sunday Mornings
We provide environments, curriculum, and resources that teach the character of God and His marvelous plan of redemption. Our Toddler through 3rd Grade classes use the Treasuring Christ curriculum. These lessons focus on the unfolding of the gospel narrative, walking our children through the whole Bible. Treasuring Christ uses a four-year scope and sequence: The Pentateuch, Prophets & Writings, The Gospels, and The Epistles. Every lesson is rooted in the Bible and centered on the gospel.
For children birth through Pre-K, our Nursery and Preschool classes are available during the entire Sunday service.
Children Pre-K through 3rd Grade begin the Sunday service in worship with their parents and are dismissed for a time of teaching following worship.
Our 4th & 5th grade kids remain in the Sunday Worship service where we provide them with resources to help them follow the sermon.
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday Night is family night at TCAAB. All age groups have a dedicated teaching time from our youngest though adults. Curriculum for preschool through 3rd grade kids may include catechism lesson from Catechism Kids, the What’s in the Bible? video series, and Pilgrim’s Progress. You can read more on the value of learning catechism at a young age and find additional resources here.
Our 4th & 5th grade kids meet for a time of teaching, fellowship, and prayer. Kids are challenged to develop personal Bible study habits, to pray for one another, and dig into God’s Word together. A printable version of our quiet time journal for this age group is available here.
Nursery is provided for those 2-years-old and under.
Family Resources
We recognize that you, as parents, are your child’s primary teachers and leaders. To that end, we frequently and regularly provide resources and suggested activities for home devotions and study such as Bible reading schedules, prayer points, and catechism aids. Our church bookshelves are stocked with theological resources, parenting books, and children’s studies. You can find an ever-growing list of recommended resources here.
Safety and Health
We require all our volunteers to be members of TCAAB, trained and background checked to ensure the safe care of your child. Children are checked in at the Children’s Welcome Desk which is monitored throughout the entire service. Only parents may enter the Children’s Wing to pick up their children.
To protect the health of all children, children must be free from fever (without the use of Tylenol) and any other contagious symptoms for 24 hours. All children with contagious symptoms should recuperate at home. We expect our parents and visitors to respect the health of the other children in our care.