VBS Registration!

VBS Registration

  • Please enter a number from 4 to 11.
  • EDIT: PRESCHOOL AND 3RD-4TH GRADES ARE CLOSED. Please select the class that applies for your child’s completed grade level. For example, if your child has completed 2nd grade and is going into 3rd next year, please select 2nd grade. For children who are entering into school in August OR are 4 years old, please select “Pre-K”.
  • In case you’d like to pack alternative snacks that match what we will be eating, you can find our week’s snacks listed here!…. Monday: Crowns (Waffles, whipped cream, m&m’s or raspberries)…. Tuesday: Slingshots (Cheese sticks, cocoa puffs cereal or raisins)…. Wednesday: Bow & Arrow (Fruit skewers with pineapple, grapes, strawberries and small donut holes)…. Thursday: Ark of the Covenant (Rice Krispies, icing, Gummy bears, Pretzel rods)…. Friday: Table (Graham crackers, cookie butter, marshmallows, sliced bananas & blueberries)
    I understand that the members of The Church at Alden Bridge will NOT be allowed to administer any medications, insect repellant, or sunscreen. I will apply insect repellant and/or sunscreen prior to bringing my child to VBS. I understand that if my child is not wearing closed-toe shoes to VBS, they may be asked to sit out of game time for their own safety. I also agree that my child will be in the care of The Church at Alden Bridge’s volunteers and I hold The Church at Alden Bridge and all volunteers harmless for any injuries my child may sustain. I understand VBS will be from 9:00am to 12:00pm and agree to pick up my child promptly at 12:00.